equality factor: thematization of numerous equality topics and excellent reflection of the East German youth
producer: Blond, Nico Lindner, Phillipp Hoppen, Karl Schumman
label: Beton Klunker Tonträger
origin: Chemnitz

With "Martini Sprite", the band BLOND release an impressive debut album that takes a feminist approach to a wide range of topics without swinging the moral cudgel. For us, this record is the perfect example of how the issue of equality empowerment is examined thoroughly by a young up-and-coming band.
BLOND address complex social issues in an entertaining way, adding a cherry on top of the bittersweet truth.
In a very sophisticated way, Blond addresses a broad range of topics on their first album that speaks from the heart of the editors of music is her passion. "Thorsten" for example is about men who are condescending towards women. This is where the band gets even with all men they encounter on tour who feel an urge to explain how to operate an instrument or how to wire technology to female music professionals specifically. In this song, the musicians process personal experiences with such incidents of "mansplaining "on tour. Drummer Lotta struggles with very stereotypical prejudices frequently and has been urged to take in a variety of "helpful tips"- ones that male drummers rarely get. Furthermore, guitarist Johann is often confronted with inappropriate questions due to his blindness.
On their debut album Nina, Lotta, and Johann address many supposed social taboo topics. They sing openly about menstruation and gastrointestinal problems, as well as six hour-long car rides. Additionally, on their Instagram account, the band deals refreshingly honestly with the supposedly "glamorous" life on tour. The three childhood friends openly advocate breaking through entrenched ideals of beauty and advocate deleting the term beauty ideal from the vocabulary. "Spinat in den Zähnen" is about that and stresses the importance of friendship.
"Martini Sprite" is a collection of experiences from tour life, and a sincere reflection on the everyday life of East German youngsters.
Throughout the course of their career, the band was often confronted with hate comments online at an early stage, but it's not the comments of others that are decisive, but our behavior as a response, and how we deal with them. "Martini Sprite" is now BLOND's polished answer to many social inequalities, and in this way, their music sounds anything but trivial. Wrapped up in wonderful indie-pop hymns, we find criticism of our patriarchal society in the most intellectually sophisticated way. On this album, BLOND show who they are in the most honest way. They express what's on their minds, and - with a hint of sarcasm - take a stand on socially not-always-sunny topics.

On the occasion of the album release, there will be an exhibition at the Wirkbau in Chemnitz, where the experiences of the band, which was founded in 2016, can be examined as a whole. Visitors can follow the band's history through a timeline, the extravagant stage outfits and costumes of the band members are exhibited alongside hate comments, creating an interesting contrast. Another highlight of the exhibition are impressions from the rehearsal room, where viewers get a glimpse of a typical band rehearsal. The event promises intimate insights into the heads of the three band members and takes place once today on the evening of the album release.
Although BLOND refuses to claim to want to change society, with this album, the band becomes an ideal role model of what an equal world might look like by spreading a bunch of powerful equality vibes!